Monday 20 August 2012

Teide half day island tour

When I first got there I wanted to explore the vastness of the area. I felt due to that there where many plants around the wall that they could act as a way of framing the surrounding areas and having close up sections of the photograph giving more perspective.

I next wanted to look at more minimalism shots that focused on the, the surrounding areas as a whole and capture a lot of the scenery, some of the images due to the shade and light gave the images interesting shadows and lighting effects.

When me and my sister went down to look at the Lava and the rock formations closer, I chose to look at focusing on the plant life and rocks so therefore giving the back drops a dark silhouetted feel but having a detailed foreground in the work.
This photography reminds me of photographs taken from commonly in America along long country roads or in travel movies, this type of shot is something I have also wanted to try as it is different from my usual work. I also like the makes made from the sun and felt it made it more artistic.

I particularly like this photo due to the objects on either side of the picture draws the persons eyes inwards and adds a framing quality to the work, which I like because I like to give depth and perspective in my work from landscape or architecture photography.

On a recent trip to Tenerife me and my sister decided to go on the half day island tour, in which you get to visit Teide the islands largest active volcano, when getting of the coach we expected to go up on the cable cart but unfortunately we couldn't due to the weather. We however decided to explore the volcanic surroundings and look at the lava flow and the natural wildlife. The volcano is were the film Clash of the titans was made due the barren landscape and also due to the barren landscape it gives the idea of being on the moon. I particularly liked the abstract rocks and lava and also the vastness of the area.

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